Table Description
This Patent Database contains patent information since 1976 in the US.
Data Coverage
- Geographic: US
- Time period: 1976-2021
Data Source
United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
Update Frequency
- This dataset is updated every quarter.
- The last update date is March 28, 2022.
Data Fields
id: The unique identifier of the patent.
type: Category of patent. There are 6 possible type:
- "Defensive Publication" - 509
- "Design" - 474736
- "Plant" - 21052
- "Reissue" - 16416
- "Statutory Invention Registration" - 2254
- "Utility" - 4910906
number: US Patent number, as assigned by USPTO.
country: The country that the patent was granted.
date: The date that the patent was granted.
abstract: The abstract of the patent.
title: The title of the patent.
kind: World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Standard ST.16 Patent Code. Visit here to learn more.
num_claims: The number of claim statements on the patent.
withdrawn: Whether the patent had been withdrawn.
inventors: The inventors of the patent.